Robotic process automation







What is RPA? RPA Defined

RPA is the use of software robots to automate various digital tasks in business processes.

These tasks could be:

  • Heavy Encoding
  • Filling forms
  • Copy and pasting
  • Calculating
  • Processing orders
  • Typing responses
  • Sending emails
  • Transferring files
  • Pulling up data
  • Interacting with systems/applications
  • Many others
You may have noticed it or perhaps not, but your organization is continuously imprinting itself to the digital world in various ways at a pace so fast that by the time you implement today’s plan, you need a new one.

You’d be amazed by how technology trends may have outgrown your operations. Try looking into your business processes, resource concentration, and other roadblocks. Are there still considerable paperwork, trivial and repetitive tasks, occasional errors, and process bottlenecks? Is there too much dependency on emails or meetings to get the work done? Chances are, you still operate digital-related workload manually as most companies do.

Such challenges equate to the very purpose of future-proofing your organization thru Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with us.


We’ve all seen it and most likely even battled it ourselves; the doldrums of work life and every business process; this is the creativity-stifling, career growth halting procedures were enrolled in, entrenching us in each passing day into an ever-deeper abyss of the routine work characterized by static procedures and routine checklists.

Think of the significant portion of time spent in performing basic checks, populating static forms, documenting routine activities, as well as executing periodic commands. All of these tasks are predictable to an extent, and a process owner does this for the rest of their lives.

If there isn’t much value to add in the skills that an individual possesses, it will surely have a negative causality on the feeling of empowerment, the room for application of one’s creativity and ultimately growth in an employee’s career.

This issue constitutes a significant human capital management problem recognized by the industry.

Employee burnout is also a direct contributor to constant attrition and can be easily identified to be the result of a vicious human capital cycle wherein the drudgery of the routine work has an immediate impact on the skills needed to execute the task.

The causes are several, and any one of them could be the cause; and to effectively tackle this, the business unit and the organization as a whole must adopt a more favorable arrangement, powered by today’s technological advancement – K33 Robotic Process Automation is the solution for you.

Today’s work

Here are just some of the measurable values and proven results in adopting RPA to an organization


Speed sensitive

  • Robots can operate 24/7 without breaks
  • Robots do not take any leave of absence
  • Robots do the job faster at the least 3X quicker than humans

Maximized resource utilization

  • Resources have more time to handle tasks requiring human interaction while robots do the time-consuming trivial ones

Dramatic reduction in errors / Increased work result accuracy

  • Elimination of wrong/invalid data entries and/or omitted step/s in the process

Customer satisfaction

  • Faster turn-around times results in more rapid addressing of customer needs/concerns thus improve satisfaction


Optimized Resources

  • Robots take over the bulk of the mundane tasks
  • Human Workforce is elevated to higher value responsibilities

Improved ROI

  • Realized savings from costs of maintaining equivalent human personnel
  • Faster and more efficient processes lead to faster and higher revenue


A suitable process for RPA may have a combination of these attributes:

Speed sensitive










Requires Irregular Labor




Digitally interfaced


Top Processes for RPA:

  • Industry-specific Processes
  • Transactional
  • Reconciliations
  • Reports Preparation & Dissemination
  • Data Entry & Migration
  • Mass Emails Generation

or choose among these concepts to apply:

K 1

Choose to co-engage human-robot processes such as call centers or internal operations where Robots act as human assistants.

  • Pulling customer data, service status, and other information in a single screen.
  • Providing guided flows such as next steps to take in resolving customer or internal concerns

K 2

Choose to handover tasks requiring no human intervention to robots such as preparation of time-consuming reports so that human employees can be utilized to perform high-value tasks.
  • Workflow completion such as processing of orders/requests, sending of conclusion messages or emails, handover to the next process workflow
  • Recording post-call or workflow completion data
  • Collating reports, file turnovers, notifications, scheduled events

K 3

Choose Digital Workers for processes involving multiple Online applications
  • Frontline check of requirements submission and reply notification
  • Retail / Remittances / Logistics / Payments – Orders processed in real time as they come in, eliminating queued personnel handling bottlenecks

K 4

Choose Trained Digital Workers as your L3 Support Team

Information requests such as application or service status, transaction details

  • Query handling – Q&A
  • Guides – Virtual walkthroughs, step-by-step guides